Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Busy weekend for deal hunting!

I was super busy deal hunting this weekend and am so glad with my outcome.  I will post pics and details later but I hit up CVS twice I think and Rite Aid twice too.  I think I'm stocked up on diapers until my littlest is walking!  LOL. But great deals and a great time to stock up on diapers. Stay tuned for details!

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Weight of Sin

I hate sin.  I specifically hate my sin.  It's the only thing that can make you feel legitimately like the scum of the earth.  I don't like that my sin can affect my children.  Every time I lose my temper or act out my frustration in anger towards my kids I feel so guilty.  I see flashes of my own life and what it was like having a parent with a temper.  I hate that I lose my temper.  I hate that satan knows exactly what to do to push me over the edge.  But is it really satan?  Or is it God testing me in this area because He knows how much I need to grow?  I say this all the time to people: "I don't want the Lord to have to use extreme measures to get my attention."  And I don't want the Lord to have to take my children away from me in order to teach me how to show them more grace.  My heart breaks thinking of the thought of not having my beautiful children with me.  How can I say I love them and lose my temper so easily?  It doesn't make sense.  I am such a sinner and I struggle with showing God's grace.  God poured out His grace upon me so freely and I can't be patient with my children?!  Come on Jeneva!  Really?!  I'm so wretched.  I am so heartbroken that I may leave scars in my children's lives because of moments where my patience does not display what God wants me to be for them.  I might as well order my millstone now!  I have been praying for divine patience for years now.  I don't want to be like my father.  He got angry so quickly and impatient and abusive.  I just pray that the Lord will forgive me for my lack of patience with these children that He has intrusted to my care.  I pray that I would never make them stumble or question God at all because of my impatience.  I repent NOW for my actions towards my children.  I'm not throwing my baby off of a parking structure but my negative words and lack of patience are no better!  Lord please forgive me!  Please restore my children's faith in me as their mother if any of it was lost.  I love you Lord and I know you will help me.  I truly need you Lord.  Amen.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Trying something new

I signed up to be an AVON rep again.  I used to sell it long before I had a husband and kids.  I have changed a lot since I started selling AVON again and I'm really excited to see what happens this time around.  I'm praying for the Lord to order my every step.  I really want this business to be beneficial to my family. I'm not doing it for fun or for just something to do.  I really want to help lessen the load on our bills.  I do love AVON products. My problem the first time was that I bought too much stuff for myself!  I think that's why my business didn't flourish as it could have.  This go round I am much more business minded and goal oriented.  I really want this to work.  A lot.  I'm praying everday for the Lord to bless my efforts if this is truly His will.  I'm really excited to help people. I love helping people and I think AVON is a great way to do that.  And who doesn't love chatting with women about makeup and skin care?!  I know I do.  So, I'm trying something new and seeing what happens.  Feel free to check out my webstore at  I would greatly appreciate the support.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gotta love freebies!

So I got these Clif bars in the mail yesterday. Two full size boxes. And I must admit they are super yummy. I don't remember when I requested the sample but this just proves to me that requesting samples online isn't a waste of my time! I also got my free full sized pantene product coupon. Woo Hoo! Couponing is not just about clipping those little pieces of paper, its almost like a lifestyle change. Your whole idea of spending money wisely changes. And with the economy the way it is, who wouldn't like to save money?! I feel so blessed to have found another way to save my family money and I pray that the Lord will continue to show me how to live within my means.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sick Babies

So I'm sitting here with three sick kiddos. We went to a homeschool conference a week ago and my oldest brought back the bug. I'm most nervous for my 2 month old though. He's so little and it must be so frustrating for him. I get frustrated too because there isn't much I can do for him. I literally sleep with him cheek to cheek so I can make sure he's still breathing at night. Needless to say, I'm exhausted.

Other than that life is normal around our household. Thank God. I really feel the Lord stretching me lately. I feel Him using all of my situations as opportunity for growth. And I must say, I'm sick of failing tests. I am so ready to just be a willing servant. But I do know that as long as I am in this body my flesh will continue to war against the Spirit.

I hate my sin! I hate that I'm impatient with my children. I hate that I hold grudges against my husband for things he doesn't even know he's done. I hate that I get upset over small stuff. I hate that I can be unforgiving and judgemental. I hate my sin. I hate that I try to be a speck inspector when I have a log in my eye. I HATE MY SIN. I pray and plead with the Lord to help me stop all of these things so I can be a better witness for Him.

So, with all that being said I am praying for the Lord to forgive me and wash me clean with the blood of Christ.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I really need to get my coupon binder together.  Sheesh.  It's a lot of work putting one of those together though.  I will keep trying.

Coupons this week...

There are so many coupon deals this week it's making my head spin. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Coupon Adventures CVS

Another aspect of my life is couponing.  I started couponing just over a year ago after my sweetie Sophia became allergic to a store brand of diapers.  I decided to try some fancy name brand diapers but knew that I did not want to spend full price. So I dug up a coupon and that's where it all began.  Now I guess you could say I'm a couponer.  I am so blessed to have jumped into this world of couponing.  I have literally saved my family hundreds of dollars in the past year and will continue to use coupons wherever I go. Couponing has changed my whole view of savings.  I don't just use coupons now, I use all of the resources out there to find savings in all areas of my life and it has helped so much. 

Anyway!  I wanted to start posting some great deals I've gotten and I couldn't think of a better time than to start with my awesome CVS trip from last night.  Here's a pic of everything I got. 

Total after coupons and ECB's $21.30!!!

I was really excited because I went on a Sunday evening and they had everything in stock.  Which is a great thing because in my neighborhood I think there are a ton of couponers and I don't usually get everything I want when I go because it is out of stock.  So here's the run down on how I got all of this for so cheap.

Transaction #1
Huggies Wipes (big pack) $6
Enfamil Formula $22
Total= $28

Coupons Used:
          $3 of any $15 baby care purchse coupon from the magic coupon machine!
          $.75/1 Huggies wipes coupon (from Huggies mailer)
          $5/1 Enfamil formula coupon(from which is no longer available)
          (2) $5 Enfamil "checks" from mailer(sign up on and they mail the checks to you every
                     month).  The great thing about these "checks" is that they do not state "one per purchase" they
                     only say the "purchase has to be less than the amount of the check".  So you can use both for
                     one container of formula!!  I do this every month and I have a great cashier at CVS.  AND
                     if you noticed, I used an Enfamil coupon that I printed from a while back WITH
                     the two Enfamil checks.  Since those checks are considered checks you can use a coupon
                     with them as well!!  Talk about an awesome savings on formula.
PAID = $9.72
GOT BACK: $10 ECB for spending $25 on qualifying baby items before coupons.

Transaction #2
Boost drinks $6.99
Shick Intuition Natural razor refill 3 pack $8.99
Total = $15.98

Coupons Used:
                       $2/1 Boost coupon (from
              $10 ECB from transaction #1
PAID = $5.38
GOT BACK: $1 ECB for Boost and $4 ECB for the razors

Transaction #3
Huggies Jumbo pack diapers $8.99
Powerbar Energy Bites $2.49
Total = $11.48

Coupons Used:
                        $3/1 Huggies Coupon(link is now out of prints)
                        $1 ECB from transaction #2
                        $4 ECB from transaction #2
PAID = $4.27
GOT BACK: $1 ECB from Huggies and $2.49 ECB from Powerbar bites

Transaction #4
2 Colgate 360 surround toothbrushes $2.79 each
Total = $5.58

Coupons Used: 
                        (2) $1/1 Colgate 360 toothbrush coupons from May issue of All You magazine 
                         $1 ECB from Transaction #3
                         $2.49 ECB from Transaction #3
PAID = $.58
GOT BACK $4 ECB for both toothbrushes

Transaction #5
Enfagrow Toddler formula $22.79(Look for the canister that has 20% more because it's the same as the regular sized canister.)
5 packs of tic tacs $1.67 each
Hershey's Air Delights candy bar $1.19

Total = $32.33

Coupons Used:
                         30% off CVS coupon from my email**took off $9**(received because my CVS card is linked to my email) 
                         Free Hershey's Are Delights Coupon (from
                         $.75/1 coupon
                         (2)$.55/2 coupons
                         (2) $5 Enfagrow checks (I also receive these from the every month in the mail)
                         $4 ECB from Transaction #4 
PAID = $1.35

Total paid after all 5 transactions $21.30!!!!!!!  That's amazing considering one can of that formula retails for $27.99 normally!

Phew!!  My fingers are tired.  Anyways, I wanted to post this to encourage those of you who think couponing is too time consuming or a waste of time.  It is soooo worth the time.  It takes some work, but once you get a hang of the stores and how they work and the coupons and how they work, you would be shocked at how much money you can save. 

If you're considering couponing or just want to save a little money, here are some sites I use regularly and they are extremely helpful to get you started and keep you going.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A little busy.

So things have been a little busy lately.  But definitely in a good way.  I love my new little guy.  He warms my heart with that sweet little smile.  My girls are adjusting to having a new brother so extremely well. I was concerned about my 15 month old but she loves her little brother so much.  She just wants to kiss and hug him all the time. 

Here are my 3 little ones.  Mikayla 4, Sophia 1, Cliff 3 weeks

I am so grateful to God for the grace He has continued to show me through this transition from 2 children to 3 children.  I had some people not believing I could handle it.  I wanted to get bitter from that but I just remember that children are a blessing from the Lord!  I refused to let anyone take this new child and turn him into anything other than what God said He is....A BLESSING! I am so blessed to have my son.  I am so grateful and my heart is just so full of happiness to see all of my children together.  God has truly blessed me way more than I deserve.  And being home with them alone has been a fantastic experience.  God has truly shown His grace everyday to me.  I know some days will be really difficult but the Lord has carried me this far and I know He will continue to provide everything I need to handle this role of wife and mother.  God is so good!
These people love me and I love them so much.  I couldn't have asked for better blessings.  I'm so blessed!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Here he is! My son's birth story.

Yay!!  My son is here.

I am so grateful to God.  My induction experience wasn't an all around bad one.  I had some great nurses.  The nurse I remember most is Isabela. She was so nice and helped me along to the end.  She ended up delivering my little guy because the doctor didn't make it in time!  Let me start from the beginning.  I went in at 9pm to start the induction process.  They decided to start me off with cervadil.  This medication is meant to "soften" the cervix and make it ready for dilation.  It isn't supposed to cause contractions but for me it did.  I'm assuming that it's because of the dilation of the cervix.  Anyway, I was having contractions on and off during the cervadil process.  They leave the cervadil in place for 12 hours.  At the end of the 12 hours a really nice midwife came to check me and told me I was 2-3 centimeters dilated!  YAY!!  I got to go over to a labor and delivery room at this point and would stay there until the baby came.  When I got to the labor and delivery room they started pitocin to help make my contractions stronger.  Pitocin is a synthetic drug that is supposed to mimic a chemical your body usually produces naturally during labor but because I wasn't having consistently strong contractions they had to give me pitocin. I thought the pitocin was making my contractions weaker because I wasn't having any painful contractions. I was a little frustrated at this point and around 3pm the nurse checked me and told me I was still the same.  Only 2-3 centimeters.  I was devistated.  I just knew that I would be in the hospital for a long time now because my cervix wasn't dilating.  I was so bummed.  I asked the nurse if she thought breaking my water would help things along and she said she would ask the midwife to come check me and make that decision.  At around 4pm the really nice midwife came in to check me.  I was now 5 centimeters!  YAY!!  And as she was checking me my water broke on its own.  Double YAY!!  So, we were on our way.  My nurse asked if I wanted the epidural and I declined because I still wasn't feeling bad contractions.  Even at 5 centimeters.  I labored along for about a half hour still feeling the same and then......everything changed. All of a sudden my contractions felt like pure lightening shoothing through my lower abdomen.  I asked my hubby to call our nurse for the epidural and she came in to start the setup but the anesthesiologist had to administer it.  So I continued to labor with lightening contractions for about 15 min.  Oh my, the pain was insane!  I think my hubby is now deaf in his right ear.  I held on as best I could withough screaming but that didn't last long.  My nurse came in with a sad look on her face to tell me that the anesthesiologist was called in to an emergency c-section, which takes priority over regular laboring mothers.  I was sad but there was nothing I could do. She checked me again and told me I was at 8 centimeters.  As she was checking me another nurse was getting a narcotic ready for my IV to at least take the edge off of the contractions.  I literally could not catch my breath because the contractions were so close together and so painful. The narcotic never made it into my IV because all I could do was push.  I had to, I think I pushed at 8 centimeters because I just had to.  The urge was too strong to resist.  I thought the contractions were rough but pushing without an epidural was pure fire!  At least that's what it felt like.  My nurse Isabela ended up delivering the baby because the doctor didn't make it into the room in time.  They didn't have time to break down the bed, nothing.  I deliverd my son all natural.  I never intended on doing a natural delivery but that's how it happened.  That was the way the Lord wanted it to go and there was no changing it.  It was the most painful experience of my life and I really am relieved it's over now.  I have a 9 pound 2 ounce son to show for all of that hard work. He came into this world at 5:42 pm on May 15th.  Measuring 20 3/4" long. I feel so blessed.  I am so grateful to God for getting me through that experience.  My husband was putting it into perspective a little for me today.  He asked me "Do you think Hell is more or less painful than child birth?"  I said "Of course Hell is MORE painful."  And then he said "Aren't you glad you're not going to Hell then?"  All I could do was nod my head.  I thought of the intense pain of child birth and just the thought of Hell made me think that maybe child birth wasn't so bad.  I'm grateful to know that my Savior and Lord is Jesus Christ and instead of induring the pain of Hell for eternity, I get to enjoy the beauty of Heaven with my Savior for eternity.  Wow, child birth really isn't so bad.  I am so grateful God continues to show Himself to me in every situation.  I love my new little man.  He's such  blessing to our family already.  Even only at 2 days old.  We are so happy to have this family and I am just in awe of these children.  I am so grateful for this legacy that will be left after I am long gone.  I am reminded of just how important my responsibility is to raise my children the way the Lord requires me to. I think of the verses in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 4 “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one![b] 5 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. 

I pray that I can take the command seriously every day of my children's lives.  I may not work outside of the home but my job inside of the home is one that requires the most from me of any job I have ever had.  And I am so grateful to God that He has given me that ability to step into this job with no reservations.  Not in my own strength but with the Lord guiding my every footstep.  I would make a mess of my children's lives on my own.  It is ONLY because of the Lord that I can give them what they need .  I'm not asking for Ivy League scholars, all I want for my kids is to know the Lord and to have a relationship with Him for themselves. If they never learn to read but have a solid relationship with God then I will be grateful.  I pray that the Lord will continue to guide my every step so I can help guide them to Him. I pray this everyday.

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate Psalm 127:3-5 

 I'm grateful for the Lord filling my quiver.  Amen

Saturday, May 14, 2011

And here we go.....

Today is the day of my scheduled induction.  I have a lot of feelings going on right now.  I think the one that sticks out the most is anxiety. I know the Lord tells us to "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.", but there is this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I mean, I've done this before.  TWICE even, but it always feels a little scary every time.  I'm not gonna lie.  I know what the pain is like so I know there will be pain.  I'm praying for peace right now.  I think the devil would love nothing more than to get in my head and scare me.  But this is such a huge event.  Too huge to be scared.  I'm having a baby!  I'm having a son!  Ahh,  God is so good.  I'm so excited to see my son.  I just have to relish that feeling and not let the devil drag me down the anxiety road.  Lord help me!!  I'm kind of nervous to leave my girls too.  I think that has a lot to do with the anxiety as well.  I've never left my littlest one alone over night and I'm praying she will be alright.  I know she will but you know, as a mother, you just worry about your babies.  I know my oldest will be just fine.  She adapts so well.  But the little one is still too little to understand why Mommy AND Daddy will be gone for so long.  All I can do is pray.  So....Lord, I just ask that you cover me with you peace.  I pray that you protect my girls and keep them in your arms while I'm away from them.  Give them your comfort.  I pray that this delivery of my son will do nothing but glorify you.  Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be a part of the creation process yet again. You're so awesome Lord.  Please forgive me of my fear and anxiety and help me to put my whole trust in you.  Thank you Lord for your many blessings.  Especially the blessings of my children.  I love you Lord.  Amen.

Monday, May 9, 2011

God's Grace....what a beautiful reminder of how much God really loves me.

What a blessing to know that God's grace is poured out on me and I am no longer bound by the law.  Thank you God for Jesus.  Thank you God for your grace.  I got this wonderful devotional this morning and had to share.  May the Lord Bless you and keep you!
Day By Day By Grace
Bob Hoekstra
May 9, 2011 
Substantial Glory versus Excelling Glory
But if the ministry of death…was glorious…how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory. For even what was made glorious had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excels. For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious. (2 Corinthians 3:7-11)
These verses proclaim another significant difference between the glory of the old covenant of law and the glory of the new covenant of grace. This difference is seen in various contrasting phrases: "was glorious" versus "more glorious," "had glory" versus "exceeds much more in glory," "made glorious" versus "glory that excels," and "was glorious" versus "much more glorious." The old covenant of law is characterized by substantial glory, whereas the new covenant of grace is characterized by excelling glory.
It is certainly true that the law is glorious. That glory pertains to the holy character of God revealed in its standards. "Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am the LORD your God. And you shall keep My statutes, and perform them: I am the LORD who sanctifies you." (Leviticus 20:7-8). This revelation of God's holiness in the law also exposes the unholiness of man. "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God" (Romans 3:19).
When a person struggles and struggles with a major medical problem, it is agonizing to go on and on, not knowing what the problem actually is. It is glorious when someone is able to reveal what the problem actually is. Part of the glory of the law is that it reveals the basic problem under which all humanity struggles: sin. Yet, it is a far more glorious matter to have a remedy for a problem revealed. Grace is that remedy. "Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 5:20-21).
Dear Lord of glory, I thank You for the glory of Your law, revealing my sin problem. Yet, I praise You even more for the glory of Your grace, providing a remedy for my sin. Lord, as I humbly feed on Your holy Scriptures, may the excelling glory of Your triumphant grace impart increasing righteousness into my daily life, through Jesus my Lord, Amen.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  To all of the women out there who selflessly give of their lives daily on this road called motherhood.  God has truly given us a gift and a job all wrapped up in our little sweeties.  I pray that we take this job seriously and raise our children up in the way they should go.  My prayer for myself is that I will daily strive to be a better mother for my kiddos.  To be the kind of mother that God wants me to be.  I want to show them how to be ladies as the Bible says how.  I want to show them the love of Christ and pray that someday they too will know how marvelous God is.

My children inspire me.  They make me happy.  They make me tired(no one said it wouldn't be without sleep.)  But above all, they make my heart soar.  I look at their faces and see the glory of God.  He has loaned these little people to me so that I can return them back to Him hopefully fully trained and ready to serve Him themselves.

One of my favorite coupon blogs posted a blog today where she picked 20 people who had submitted entries about their mothers and why they were special.  I read through them and was crying by the end because it is so amazing how important this job of “mother” is.  I looked at myself and thought, “Wow, will my children be able to say these things about me?”  I so desperately want to do what is right for my children.  But I think what I want most is for them to know how much they are loved.  And the only way I can show that to them is if I truly love the Lord.  It is impossible to truly love others the way God commands us to if we don’t first love our Creator and Lord.(1John 4:7-11)  He is love and gives us the ability to love.  (1John 4:16) With all of those wonderful stories of mothers I read, I also read countless stories about mothers who have killed their children by driving into a river or left their children alone in the bathtub only to drown or left them locked in a car when it’s 100 degrees outside.  What was missing there?  God.  God was missing.  The only way we can truly love our children, or anyone else for that matter, is if we truly love God and know the sacrifice He made for us.

I’m so grateful that God chose me to be a mother.  He didn’t have to give me these children to raise up but he did. I am so grateful.  He’s shown me so much more about Himself through my children.  I prayed for patience and along came my first child.  I prayed for wisdom and along came my second child.  I prayed for His will to be done and I am about to give birth to my third child…a son.  I see all of my prayers working themselves out through my children and I’m in awe of God for this.  To be able to actually see God working in my life right before my eyes.   I have a long way to go on my walk with God but I pray that every day, every step, will be better than the last and He will continue to reveal Himself to me.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Waiting on Baby.....

Hi!  This is my first ever blog post and to be honest I am nervous.  :)  I don't know why, I just am.  So here's a little more about me.  I'm a mother of 2 and a half children.  The baby is still in my tummy.  As much as I would like him to be out.  My oldest, Mikayla, will be 5 in July and my second, Sophia, will turn 2 in January.  I love my kiddos.  They keep me busy.  I love to teach my oldest.  I think it's truly a blessing that I am able to be a stay at home mom and I thank the Lord everyday for this opportunity to watch them grow up.  That's not to say I don't have crazy days.  I think we all do, but my children make my life interesting.  I have the best hubby in the world. I know for a fact that the Lord sent him to me.  He is such a blessing and has helped me grow so much as a person.  I've truly enjoyed the journey we are on.  We will be married for 7 years this August.  I can't believe it's been that long.  I don't think anyone thought we would get married when we were dating but God had some other plans.  I'm so grateful for how the Lord really transformed our relationship and helped us to see the best in eachother. 

Oh, and I'm a couponer!  I've only been couponing for about a year but I am so grateful that I started.  I can't tell you what a blessing it is to get what you need and not pay an arm and a leg for it.  God has truly blessed us with the couponing.  I'm not an extreme couponer like that show but I do get away with some great deals on the everyday type of things my family needs and uses.  I'm sure I will be posting things about that sooner or later.   

So, with all that being said.  I am waiting for baby number 3.  We finally have our son on the way and are truly excited to meet him.  I was hoping to meet this little guy sooner but I think he's comfortable where he is.  I will be exactly 40 weeks this coming Sunday.  I feel every single week of this pregnancy in my body right now.  I am praying this little guy won't try to outweigh his sister Sophia at birth.  All I can say is that at this very moment I am doing my best to stay distracted. I really don't want to be induced but I have this creeping feeling that I might be in store for an induction.  On top of being extremely pregnant I'm sick too.  Yuck!  I have my first ever cold sore on my face.  And it's not one of those cold sores on your lip that you can kinda hide with chapstick.  No, No, this is a doozie of a cold sore on my chin of all places.  My doctor even cringed when she took a look.  My vanity would love to hide out in the house until it is all gone but the Lord is really speaking to me about being grateful that it's not something worse.  And I am grateful.  But I still have moments of feeling like a leper.  Oh well, I'll get over this.  I know the Lord will help me through this and through the rest of this pregnancy.

I must say that I am so grateful at the end of this pregnancy.  Yes, my pelvic bone and hips feel dislocated but I couldn't be happier at this point because the Lord has truly answered my prayers this pregnancy.  I normally have morning sickness the entire length of my pregnancies but only 16 weeks with this one.  I know to some 16 weeks is still a long time but trust me, it's a lot less time that the whole 40 weeks!  AND, I prayed for a son and got him.  I'm just in awe of that becauset the Lord did not have to grant that for me and I would have been just as happy with another little girl running around.  But I am so happy for my husband.  I'm so happy that he will have a little man to train up.  I can't wait to see their interactions with one another.  God is so good.  I still tear up when I think about the 18 week ultrasound when we found out we were having a boy.  I feel so blessed to be having another child period! 

I'm really excited to start this blog and I hope whoever decides to read it can be blessed by it or learn something from it. 

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless  Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever.
      Amen. (Jude 1: 24-45)