Monday, July 25, 2011

Sick Babies

So I'm sitting here with three sick kiddos. We went to a homeschool conference a week ago and my oldest brought back the bug. I'm most nervous for my 2 month old though. He's so little and it must be so frustrating for him. I get frustrated too because there isn't much I can do for him. I literally sleep with him cheek to cheek so I can make sure he's still breathing at night. Needless to say, I'm exhausted.

Other than that life is normal around our household. Thank God. I really feel the Lord stretching me lately. I feel Him using all of my situations as opportunity for growth. And I must say, I'm sick of failing tests. I am so ready to just be a willing servant. But I do know that as long as I am in this body my flesh will continue to war against the Spirit.

I hate my sin! I hate that I'm impatient with my children. I hate that I hold grudges against my husband for things he doesn't even know he's done. I hate that I get upset over small stuff. I hate that I can be unforgiving and judgemental. I hate my sin. I hate that I try to be a speck inspector when I have a log in my eye. I HATE MY SIN. I pray and plead with the Lord to help me stop all of these things so I can be a better witness for Him.

So, with all that being said I am praying for the Lord to forgive me and wash me clean with the blood of Christ.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I really need to get my coupon binder together.  Sheesh.  It's a lot of work putting one of those together though.  I will keep trying.

Coupons this week...

There are so many coupon deals this week it's making my head spin.